Farming Project

Farming Project


Efficient growth is one that takes advantage of all available or provided resources (water, light, space, nutrients, seed, soil, etc.).

The implementation of technology is recommended to increase the production of crops, improve the safety of workers in the field as it has less impact on the environment and is sustainable over time.

All this is due to the multiple advantages on the use of technology on crops. These help to increase production with a smaller environmental impact. Also, gives more safety to workers in the field and improves sustainability. The above is reflected in an improvement of the standard of living of the farmer. It generates revenues, increases motivation to stay in the field and prevents migration to big cities.

The production of a crop that doesn't use technology against one that uses it, can vary between 25% on big farmers with medium technology while it can mean up to 100% of their production for small farmers with low technology.

Available resources become more efficient. Production improves, waste is reduced, there is a smaller environmental impact and production is more sustainable. To make it short, it is producing more with less bringing the potential of plants to life.

Against to what many people think, technology is a leader in biodiversity, as long as they make good use of it. The implementation of new technology in the preparation of soil (use of chisel plows), allow good tilling of the soil. This is ideal for the development of the crop and its production, preventing problems for large movements of the soil, soil erosion, and also maintains the moisture of the soil. A similar case is with the use green manures, which retain moisture, prevent erosion, and protects the micro-fauna of the soil.

Equipment with the latest technology and better calibrated, give safety to the work of the operator in terms of crop management to protect the products. Also using a smaller quantity of chemicals in treated crops reduces the environmental impact. The eco-efficiency of a system is expressed as the ratio of added value divided by the environmental impact. In this sense, the use of technology plays a very important role.

Our goal is to strengthen and increase productivity in areas where the work on the land is the main source of food and economic livelihood.

Current Project

Mejorando mi Tierra (Improving my land).


“Mejorando mi Tierra ” is a project where we encourage the use of new techniques, making the job of the farmer more efficient and at the same time cost-effective.

Due to the lack of water, the implementation of techniques such as spray or drip irrigation can help significantly to production, rather than the traditional flood.

With the data obtained from soil, water and leaf analysis we can correct the current deficiencies of the crop.


Current Project


The Communities receive:




- Irrigation System (Microsprinklers or drip)

- Water Pump

- Solar panel (water pump)



- Soil

- Water

- Leaf




- Use and maintenance of equipment.

- Crop management.

  Installation and configuration






Irrigation systems company, advantages of drip irrigation.

Work Areas

mapa del perú

Country: Perú.

Capital: Lima

Population: 32,824,358 Hab.

Sources: Wikipedia

Human Development Index (HDI): 82 position 187

Population below poverty line (living on less than 1.25 USD): 4.9%

Adult literacy rate: 89.6%

permanence rate to the last grade of primary: 81.5%

Literate women for every 100 men: 89.2

Sources: PNUD 2014 / Unicef